Saturday, 31 May 2014

Leah - May; Bit Of A Slow One

A slow month for me.
Yes, yes, I know it happens every now and then, but I don't feel like I got as much done as I would have hoped. Maybe it's good to have a break though. Just every now and then, to allow myself to recharge.

Aaaah well. I did have a birthday though. Wanna see my cards?
Yes, the big 3-0! If I want to be a mega success and have buckets of riches then I'd better get on with it, eh?

Anyway in terms of submissions:
~three letters
~one short story

Not bad, right?
Better than nothing, I suppose, but I need to get into a regular rhythm of sending things each month. Maybe I need to put aside a day each week devoted to doing that. Hmm.

I'll ponder on it.

Well... June is coming up. That's normally the point at which I reassess all my goals, look at where I'm going, where I want to be and where I've been. That should give me a nudge in the right direction insofar as deciding on a plan of action for the next six months.

I'll see you guys then.

Twitter: @ileandraXraven

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