I'm going to take a brief moment to be all mushy (I know!) and say I'm both honoured and proud to be part of the Phoenix Writers and the splinter group Subs Club. Every member is incredibly talented and a true joy to know. Their support and kind words have brought me on a long way, to the point that making a list like this is even possible *sniffle* Right! That's enough of that!
My goals are pretty simple. There are some projects I've been working on for a while and others I haven't. Either way I used the SMART(ER) method of making these goals to move me further along the path I want to be on. So here it is.
Long Term Goals
- Publish Silk Over Razor Blades through self-publishing or traditional means by December 2014
- Publish the first part of Slippers & Chains by January 2014 through my self-publishing label Little Vamp Press
- Win a short story or flash fiction competition by December 2014
- Publish at least two of the short stories in my erotic 'Meeting Each Other' series by May 2014 through my self-publishing label Little Vamp Press
- Continue to earn at least £50 a month by way of writing activities (The Write Feeling, competitions, transcribing, sales)
- Complete profiles on at least two the freelancing sites I found and find at least one job through them by the end of October 2013
- Enter one competition a month (Writers Forum, Writing Magazine or Flash500.)
- Organise a sensible and manageable timetable by 31 August that I can use to make these goals doable without losing my mind (!)

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